Sunday 3 May 2009


For my first post I will be going over 'PTC' sites, also known as 'Payed to Click' websites.

These sites pay you to simply CLICK on advertisements, and almost all send money to your PayPal! Here are my two favorites:



A great site here, often described as 'The Worlds Best PTC Site'. I tend to get 4-5 ads a day, earning (on average) slightly more than £0.01 a click, for minimal effort. Also on my SECOND day I got an offer in my email that gave me £0.05 for 10 seconds work.




This site is brilliant! Along with its £o.o1 - £ 0.025 payments for clicking paid cubes, as many as there is, with new ones appearing a few times an hour and its offers that I've seen go up to £0.80, this site offers a unique selling point. By clicking on 100 ads, (20 a day and you don't have to be on for any time) you earn £1 in cube points. The offers and other features also offer MUCH more of these cube points. You can then purchase a 'Cube', which you can decorate, which contains a link for others to click on. This can be great for advertising your blog, website or referral link, which I will go over later.



#1 BUY A CUBE! With this cube you can pump it up with cube points to get it high on everyone's list. Try to link it with a referral link for a different website, or to a blog, and it can help you earn a lot more cash!

#2 Login several times a day! This means you can take advantage of limited time offers for that extra income boost!

#3 Advertise! Forums, Blogs, Cubes and Websites, advertising a website with your referral link will supply you with (possibly) hundreds of referrals over time. Don't underestimate referalls!

#4 Check your emails! Same reason as #2, this will keep you updated on special, lucrative offers.

#5 Have fun!


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